Summer Gala
Wednesday • August 14, 2019
6:00 – 10:00 p.m.
The Channel Club
1 Channel Drive • Monmouth Beach, NJ
Enjoy a spectacular sunset on the Shrewsbury River while helping animals!
Live Music by Dr. Brian & Friends and Guilty Pleasure Raw Bar by The Lusty Lobster
Open Bar • Dinner • Dancing • Raffles • Games
$125 per person until August 1 ($150 after August 1 and at the door)

Event Sponsors

Since 2010 the Foundation has hosted an annual gala that’s open to the public and held at various venues on the Jersey Shore. Past events have included relaxed dockside summer parties to decked out and glamorous ballroom galas. Often the events are both people and dog friendly and you can always count on fabulous entertainment. These events not only raise the bar for fun, they also raise lifesaving funds to support the incredible work of our grantees. If interested in volunteering on an event committee or for more information regarding sponsorship, email