Grant Application
The Purr’n Pooch Foundation for Animals’ Board of Trustees meets monthly and grants are reviewed on an on-going basis. Grantees are selected after careful review of applications and are distributed in February at the Foundation’s Grantee Breakfast. Applicants will be notified by January 1st if they have been selected for a grant. Email with any questions and thank you for all you do on behalf of animals in need of love and rescue.

Online Application
Please read these instructions carefully before submitting your application.
The Purr’n Pooch Foundation for Animals is dedicated to providing financial support and educational resources to non-profit animal rescue groups and organizations.
To be considered for a Purr’n Pooch Foundation for Animals Grant, an organization must:
- Be a non-profit agency approved by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) entity.
- Be solely dedicated to the welfare, rescue, rehabilitation, adoption, and/or enrichment of the lives of animals.
- Have no political affiliation or seek to influence any legislature through financial means.
- Operate and be located within the state of New Jersey.
The Purr’n Pooch Foundation for Animals supports all species of animals, including but not restricted to companion pets, farming animals and wildlife.
Types of Projects
Purr’n Pooch Foundation for Animals Grants may be used for day-to-day operations, emergency relief, spay/neuter efforts, veterinary care, equipment, construction, vehicle purchases, educational programs and special projects.
The maximum award for any grant is $5,000.
Availability of Funds
Whether grants are awarded in any year and the size of the grant will be dependent on the availability of funding.
The grant shall be used for the purposes set forth in the grant letter and for no other purpose.
In particular, the grant may not be used:
- to carry on propaganda, or otherwise to attempt to influence any legislation
- to influence the outcome of any specific public election or to carry on, directly or indirectly, any voter registration drive
- to make grants to individuals, to any organization which would not qualify as a public charity under Section 509(a) of the Internal Revenue Code (“Code”), or to a governmental entity which would not qualify under Section 170(c)(1) under the Code
- to undertake any activity for any purpose other than charitable, educational or other permitted purpose in Section 170(c)(2)(B) of the Code
All grantees will be required to make a written report back to the Foundation on use of the grant.
Any publicity, press release or marketing related to this grant must be approved in advance in writing by the Foundation.
If an application is approved for funding, the Purr’n Pooch Foundation for Animals will prepare a grant contract for review and signature by the organization’s designed representative.
The contract includes a confirmation letter outlining the terms and conditions of the grant and an indemnity agreement.
Organizations receiving funds for any purpose are accountable to the Purr’n Pooch Foundation for Animals for use of the grant monies as designated in the proposal.
At the completion of the project, or one year after the date of the award (whichever comes first), the grantee must submit a report indicating the disposition of funds.
Organizations will be requested to forward copies of receipts, invoices, and other documents in support of their report.
Award Decisions
The award of Purr’n Pooch Foundation for Animals Grants is solely at the discretion of the Board of Trustees.
Trustees who have any interest, directly or indirectly through a family member or business entity, in a prospective grantee will recuse themselves and not vote on the award of a grant to that prospective grantee.
All decisions of the Purr’n Pooch Foundation concerning the award of Purr’n Pooch Foundation for Animals Grants is final. The review process may take up to six months. All applicants will receive written notification of the decision of the review committee.
The Purr’n Pooch Foundation for Animals only replies to e-mail or regular postal correspondence. No telephone phone calls, please.
If you have questions after reviewing the materials, please e-mail us at
It is not necessary to send your application by priority or overnight shipment. However, use of a traceable shipment method is recommended.
All materials, including photographs, become the property of the Purr’n Pooch Foundation for Animals and will not be returned to the submitting party.
Please submit completed and signed application, along with all required supporting documentation to:
Purr’n Pooch Foundation for Animals
P.O. Box 7352
Shrewsbury, NJ 077702
- Please type and single-space all proposals.
- Please answer all of the questions in the order listed.
- Please use headings as provided.
- Please submit only one copy.
- Please do not include any materials other than those specifically requested at this time.
- Please do not send videotapes.
The items listed below must be submitted with the completed Purr’n Pooch Foundation for Animals Grant Application for the current year. If any items are not applicable, please explain in writing. Your request may be denied if any supporting documentation is missing without an explanation.
(Maximum one-half page)
Please summarize in a short paragraph the purpose of your agency. Briefly explain why your agency is requesting this grant, what outcomes you hope to achieve, and how you will spend the funds if a grant is made.
(Maximum five pages)
Describe the work of your agency, addressing each of the following:
- A brief description of its history and mission.
- The need or problem that your organization works to address.
- Current programs and accomplishments. Please emphasize the achievements of the recent past.
Funding Request
Please describe the program for which you seek funding.
- If applying for general operating support, briefly describe how this grant would be used.
- If your request is for a specific project, please explain the project including:
- A statement of its primary purpose and the need or problem that you are seeking to address.
- The population that you plan to serve and how this population will benefit from the project.
- Strategies that you will employ to implement your project.
- The proposed staffing pattern for the project, and the names and titles of the individuals who will direct the project.
- Anticipated length of the project.
- How the project contributes to your organization’s overall mission.
Please explain how you will measure the effectiveness of your activities. Describe your criteria for a successful program and the results you expect to have achieved by the end of the funding period.
Please provide your:
- Animal intake procedures (if applicable)
- Adoption contract (if applicable)
- Euthanasia policy
Please provide for the last two complete calendar years per species the number of animals per species (cat, dog, horse):
- Owner/guardian surrender
- Stray
- Incoming transfers from organizations within community
- Incoming transfers from organizations outside community
- Incoming from owners/guardians requesting euthanasia
- Adopted
- Outgoing transfers from organizations within community
- Outgoing transfers from organizations outside community
- Return to owner/guardian
- Returned by adopter
- Died while in your care
- Euthanized because of medical conditions (please indicate age and specific reasons)
- Euthanized because of behavioral issues (please indicate age and specific reasons)
Financial Information
Please provide the dates each statement covers.
Most Recent Financial Statement
Audited if available. This statement should reflect actual expenditures and funds received during your most recent fiscal year.
Operating Expense Budgets
For the current and most recent fiscal year and aligned side-by-side on the same page as the above Financial Statement.
List of Foundation and corporate supporters, and all other sources of income, with amounts for the current and most recent fiscal year.
Current Funding Solicitation
List of foundations, corporate sponsors and all other sources of income, and to the best of your knowledge, the status of your proposal with each.
Tax Exemption Status
A copy of your most recent IRS letter indicating your agency’s tax exempt status, or, if not available, an explanation.
Annual Report
Your most recent annual report, if available.
Board of Trustees
A list of your Board of Trustees, with their affiliations.
One-paragraph resumes of key staff, including qualifications relevant to the specific request.